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Posts posted by decyL

  1. Hello

    I've got NI-6251 A/D card. I need to start acquiring data on AI at the moment trailing edge of the AO signal occurs. I'm using APFI0 input which is to trigger AI. So I connected AO to APFI0, and noticed that acquiring is triggered by the edge of the signal form AO but I'm not sure if it happend in the proper time. (i'm not sure if the VI is correct).


  2. Hello. I'd like to use error (source,code,boolean) control as a GUI. I mean to use 'source' window to write test results to it. What I want to do is to create such VI that can write results line by line, and when the window is full to autoscroll the bar. I've tried to use property node for 'source' and text.scrollpos element, but it doesn;t work. :throwpc:

  3. hmmm. I spoke to the guy from NI and he didn't recommend the converters especially when used in big projects involving a lot of equipment. What's more as far as I know there is a problem with the galvanic isolation in this converters - and this is also an important issue. Anyway it is worth knowing that such converters work and devices can be controlled from LV. Thanks for reply! Greetings

  4. Hello. Has anyone ever tried to add usb device in the way described on NI website: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/we...16?opendocument

    What's more - please give me piece of advice - is it worth to buy usb converters (to RS-485, to RS-422) instead of using PCI cards? I've heared that it is slower, and what about LV drivers? If using USB should I write communication protocol to the devices to communicate in LV?

    Help me. Greets

  5. Hi, I'm attempting to create a pop-up window with string control and a OK button. The problem is that I want to have different caption text in different parts of the program. I tried to reach it by writting to the capiton text property node, but such error occurs: In edit mode, LabVIEW cannot return a property for a control part that you have not yet created. So I thought that it could be because the string control is in one loop with the node. I tried many options, for instance to put control in the sequence and the node in the next sequence. Didn''t work. Please give me any clues (the VI is attached). greets.

    Download File:post-2956-1130331151.vi



  6. Hello. I made an EXE from the VI, but it turned out that something with the NI-6008 I/O drivers isn't right. I've enclosed the subVI in which problem occurs, and a screenshot on which the place of error birth is shown with a red arrow.

    What's more in EXE file, the VI which counts the period of the signal (Pulse Measurements.vi - enclosed) pops up an error. How does it happen that the VI works properly but the EXE does not. I know that there could be problems with paths, directories of executable files, but such problems I've never faced. I will be grateful for any help. Greets.

    Download File:post-2956-1129645295.vi


    Download File:post-2956-1129646010.vi

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