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Posts posted by gdog

  1. If you need the information at run-time and not design-time, I recommend creating a Current VI's Path (refnode type=Function) or Call Chain (refnode type=Function) object.

    However, I'm pretty sure you mean to use the information at design-time (node-run-time, what have you), so I did a little investigation.

    I found out that extNodeRefNum.Owner.OwningVI returns a reference to the VI in question (I plugged .Name into a global which returned the 'dropped upon' VI's name). I don't know how often the system 'updates' the extNodeRefNum, but you know for sure it should work in the PropType@mods=1 step, where you probably could use the information the most.

    - Adam


    I tried this in PropType@mods=1, and it works(lots of interesting stuff to play with, by the way). Then I tried to put it in Init@mods=0 and store the reference in a Global for later use. I observed, no effect where I dropped the Xnode. No Icon, nothing. But, the Xnode front panel displayed the running as subVi symbol. Okay, closed labview completely, switched it back to PropType@mods=0, no change. Deleted it completly from the Xnode, no change. It appears that putting extNodeRefNum.Owner.OwningVI into Init@mods=0 ruins the Xnode for good. Could something be getting stuck in the LV2 globals?


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