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Everything posted by whiteFang

  1. Hello , Sorry about my dissappearence.......hehehe... I've had some problem with my computer, and it's ok now ok What exactly is the theory behind Neuro-Fuzzy? Are the Fuzzy rules modified (dynamically?) using a Neural Net?? My understanding of this theory is a little fuzzy Actually the idea came when I use ANFIS ( Matlab method ) application. Well I'm using it right now. The system , If I'm not mistaken ANFIS is fuzzy logic tools for matlab and using neural net to repair the rules inside the system... So right know I'm trying to build Labview application that exactly works like ANFIS ( hopesfully 100%) ... So I just wonder ...is anyone ever try it before... please...please share the information with me
  2. huh anyone
  3. M/M/1 what is that
  4. ok... tell us more about your machines the card that you been used and the version of Labview you are been using and hopesfully some diagram and maybe screen shoot of your front panel
  5. Hello guys, this is actually my first post to this forum... I've been working with LabVIEW almost a year. and it's sure to have a lot unexpected tools that can be used to solve a lot of problem. So actually , currently I'm doing some works/research with neuro fuzzy, I just wonders IF guys here, anyone, that have been implement neuro fuzzy model using LabVIEW,... I'm very appreciate to whom that can share these information with me... Thanks
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