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Posts posted by Ath

  1. Hello. Perhaps some one could help me with this... I am acquiring data from my devices and I need to average them. I have tried using the "mean" function in a "while" or "for" loop but, as it turns out this results into driving in my graph only th LAST value of the signal I acquire. I believe I should put a buffer and store all my values (for instance 1000 samples or, preferably user-defined samples) and then use all these values to get the mean (and then send it to a file or a plot). Since I am really inexperienced in both labview as well as any other programm language could someone plz help me a bit about how could that be implemented in labview???

    thx in advance, that would be a great help for my master thesis!!!! :)

  2. Hello again. Still trying to figure out things. (See, i'm not actually working but I am still in my post-graduate studies!). unfortunately i cannot afford any lessons on labview [and the research team i belong doesn;t have enough money to afford it!]. Anyway, I've been trying to figure out how your program works so I tried to insert a "write .lvm" just to check out ...numbers. It seems to be done but still i cannot figure out what these numbers are! Whether it is indeed a measurement the way I want it or a wrong signal. Plus, I tried to see the logic of the program by pressing that "lamp" (and, according to labview help!, watch the programm running. When I do this it never seems to reach the "Acquire Data" case and i cannot really figure out why. Plus, i tried to test it by putting "8 sec/sample" and "1 samples" in the set up menu. There is "something" going on but seeing the results in the .lvm file plus that latest test, i am not sure whether it actually takes ,eg continious samples for 8 sec, averaging them at the 8th second and indeed gives the mean value. Is that the case?

    If so if I put "5 samples" instead of "1 sample" then what would that 5 samples be? 5 times the same (average) measurement? :unsure: I have a few more questions (such as why does it stop after each measurement? ) but i believe these questions are more vital right now :)

    Any help would just be really appreciated.... :blink:


  3. Hello again and really thx for your help (I was away on a trip so it's only now that i managed to check the program!) The programm you created is almost what I want but I have a problem. I do not seem to understand HOW i ...convince it to acquire ALL four channels at the same time. I suppose it's a simple command or s'th but i am not quite sure how that can be done. Btw, since I saw that you are using Labview for 6 years or so perhaps u can provide me with some help considering online help or books I can refer to?

    Thx in advance

  4. hello. I am really new to labview (actually this is the first program I was asked to do). The problem is as follows: I have to acquire data from 4 channels and then write them to a file (and plot them). I think I have managed to do that (more or less) but what my (childish) program is doing is acquiring every 8 sec till i press the stop button. What i am asked to do is to use a ready vi ( or create my own if i wish!) where someone can select how many points to acquire and then the programm shoud "drive" him to the next vi where the acquisition is made. I really have no clue how to do that (and that is just the beginning as i was told!) I am really new to that (using labview 7.1) and really frustrated so any hints would be really helpful. Thx in advance

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