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Novity Naseer

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LabVIEW Information

  • Version
    LabVIEW 2010
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Novity Naseer's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks a lot....... I will go through it..........
  2. Ok Thank You Very Much.............. I am new to Lab View can you tell me briefly about how to use external code node..........if you dont mind.................
  3. They are providing drivers for VME in both linux and windows but specifically is there any drivers for the communication with Labview???? Actually I need to Log the Data in lab View GUI recieved from VME bus
  4. They are providing drivers for VME in both linux and windows but specifically is there any drivers for the communication with Labview????
  5. Helo Every one, I am using Labview 2010 . Through DAQ Assistant we can communicate with NI based Boards but how to communicate with other than NI Cards ,I have a VME based Processor Card and i need to communicate with Lab View. Thanks and Regards, S.Naseer
  6. Helo Every one, I am using Labview 2010 . Through DAQ Assistant we can communicate with NI based Boards but how to communicate with other than NI Cards. Thanks and Regards, S.Naseer
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