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Posts posted by mallika

  1. HI Dead pirate,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have a few more questions.

    What I have is pci 6221 card so I can use only that with the speed measurement.

    What I need is simply to record the spike that I am going to get when I rotate the shaft of the motor which I am connecting in reverse i.e.' as a generator.

    I called it a spike because the shaft is gonna run and stop so there is not going to be much time to record it.

    And since I am a novice in electrical ciscuits could you please tell me what is a quad encoder?

    I may sound silly but I want to know if I will be needing any kind of sensor to put on the shaft for the type of measurement you r talking about?


  2. HI all,

    I want to know how to measure rpm in the range of 5-1000 for a dc motor. Actually I have dc motor coonected to a power spring which I am using as a generator.

    This will rotate at the given speed for only 10 seconds and stop.

    I want to record this as a signal on labview 7

    I have a NI PCI−6221, M Series DAQ (16 Analog Inputs, 24 Digital I/O, 2

    Analog Outputs) with NI−DAQmx driver software.

    SCB−68 Noise Rejecting, Shielded I/O Connector Block.

    I have no idea about Labview and I a first time user.

    I also want to know what kind of sensors do I use for detecting this speed in a limited time.


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