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Posts posted by Kalle_76

  1. Hello!

    I’m struggling whit triggers in daqmx. I’m trying to use an external trigger to start and stop an analog acquisition using daqpad-6016 USB. I have no problem whit starting at the first trigger, but how do I stop at the next trigger?


    Thanks for your time / Kalle

  2. Hi All!

    What is the easiest way to rename a folder using LabView?

    I have a folder containing files. I need to rename the folder as soon as the software has processed the files.

    Of course I can copy all files in the folder to a new folder whit a new name and deleting the old folder. As usual, I believe there must be a simpler way to do this but I can

  3. Hi All!

    I have number that I want to convert to a string. The number can be anything between 0 and 9999.

    I what the string to always have 4 characters.

    For example the number 34 should be 0034 after conversion, 560 should be 0560, 6734 should be 6734.

    I know I can use sting functions to seen how many characters there are and then add zeros in front, but my guess is there is a simpler way to do this.

    Any ideas?

    Best regards, Kalle

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