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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. We do support 24-bit Sound* in Windows. We also do use DirectSound8 in Windows. It should be possible to develop a LabVIEW application that uses ASIO, but you will have to either wrap the ASIO interface directly (through Call Library Nodes; the DLL Import Wizard may help) or create your own DLL to sit between LabVIEW and ASIO (which is what we do for the LabVIEW Sound API). Can you use ASIO if you want to? Yes, but not using the Sound VIs. He'll have to make his own interface. It can be done, but it will be a little more work. *8.2 (maybe 8.0 as well) had a bug that broke 24-bit sound. It should be fixed in 8.2.1.
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