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  1. Here's the code... You should select the type of media and burner you use (cd or dvd) If you delete the event callback
  2. Thanks for the answer. I tried to do what you suggested but I dont think it works because you must connect the Reference callback to an event source before LV let you create the callback vi. I connected to the INero ref but inside the callback VI everything works like before (you can create the method but you cannot obtain the handler/ref from this one)
  3. Hello All, I'm trying to use the NeroCOM
  4. Hello All, I got this error reading an AVI file (using IMAQ AVI Read Frame): Error -1074395975 occurred at IMAQ AVI Read Frame DirectX has timed out reading or writing the AVI file. When closing an AVI file, try adding an additional delay. When reading an AVI file, try reducing CPU and disk load. Possible reason(s): IMAQ Vision: (Hex 0xBFF604B9) DirectX has timed out reading or writing the AVI file. When closing an AVI file, try adding an additional delay. When reading an AVI file, try reducing CPU and disk load. This problem happens always at the same frame (unless if u run the program in "Highlight execution", in this case it happens some frames later) The AVi file is not corrupted (it can be readed by other video progs) and it can be correctly procecessed by the same program runned under LabView 6.1 If I compile the program and I run it... the file is readed correctly but on the "famous" frame the program freezes for few seconds, then it continues This problem happen also on other files... any of them is corrupted Any clue ? Mark
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