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Status Updates posted by Swinders

  1. My week on twitter: 1 retweets received, 5 new followers. Via: http://t.co/qIRwfcp4Nn

  2. My week on twitter: 7 retweets received, 1 new followers, 15 mentions. Via: http://t.co/qIRwfcp4Nn

  3. National Instruments Recognises UK Engineers, Chris Roebuck (@RoebuckChris) and Steve Watts ... http://t.co/PsVMryf4Av - Great work guys

  4. Open Garage Door ! http://t.co/KfGRzljhUE - Nice project using Raspberry Pi and Android phone with a bit of IO. Includes build details

  5. Organizing Actors for a hardware interface http://t.co/chEbaMyktX

  6. OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet http://t.co/rz7th5k2TC

  7. Pi and Prejudice - via @pimoroni -http://t.co/tU3rLO9qp3 - Wow,Raspberry Pi, Pibow and Lego. I thought those holes looked familiar.

  8. Poor IT skills 'hurt young jobless' http://t.co/en7DOFOshw

  9. Procrastination is Not Laziness http://t.co/kaOd1MQ8Ub

  10. Programming Is Not for Everybody http://t.co/XeWn6566Rs - but to have the opportunity at an early age is invaluable and should not be denied

  11. Raspberry Pi Temperature and Humidity Project Construction | from @wolfeidau http://t.co/POdWcHcoyF - Great project, thanks for sharing

  12. Raspberry Pi wearable computer. http://t.co/428b6ALalQ - Great project, just need to find some video glasses

  13. Recantha's only gone and made a tricorder using a @raspberry_pi http://t.co/MwsQSuz6N2

  14. RT @CdrAngelRose: My status right now is... Mostly Harmless

  15. RT @computermuseum: The rate at which #ARM processors are being produced is approximately middle C. (around 260/sec) http://t.co/EugMQJERxu

  16. RT @element14: Traffic chaos after LEGO spill across Virginia highway! Via @GeekDotCom http://t.co/sn7wN4zrFC

  17. RT @element14: What is energy harvesting? Find out more on element14 #energyharvesting http://t.co/ohzRFfzrvF

  18. RT @Fabiola31416: Lessons from the earlier days of #LabVIEW: "have a vision and passion and share it" "start from where you are" "have fun"

  19. RT @howtogeek: My "having a life" factor is inversely proportional to the amount of time I spend on Twitter.

  20. RT @howtogeek: Today we hooked up an LED indicator to our Raspberry Pi - http://t.co/0thjtqyXd8 - Great article using LedBorg (@Pi_Borg)

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