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Posts posted by Cl10Greg

  1. yea the clear list then worked. Im trying make a make shift design using labview so i can learn more labview and don't have to figure out SQL. Its not really a database im just gonna have the user login. After they login they can add a book they have and load the list already present. Once loaded maybe double click to edit. Im using a multicolumn listbox and just trying to figure out what i should do and take tips. Im having problems the listbox options and how to use all of them and thats about all. Figuring it all out besides that. Thanks guys.

  2. Im writing our book inventory to a file and loading (so writing and reading), so i was wondering how would i clear the list at the begging or end of the VI. You know to list start out fresh and any other tips for making a make shift database??

  3. As i said in the other forum, im new to LabVIEW and having to teach myself and was wondering if anyone had any problems for me to try our any methods or fun stuff to do. I hope someone can help me out. Thanks.

  4. Im trainging myself for my certificate (assistant developer i think, whatever the lowest one is) and im just bumping around labview. So does anyone have any challenging "problems" or scnarios or some fun tips i can try? thanks.

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