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Posts posted by Droopy

  1. Ive been doing those like example things on LabVIEW and ive gotten to one and it tells me half way through that i dont have the devices for the Voltage that I am trying to measure. Will i have to wait till my robot is built for that, or is there something else i need to get with LabVIEW.


  2. Have have been following this threads on chief delphi (they have some information with LV code example)?

    LabVIEW, like any programming langages, can do everything that the user programs it to do. The added benefit is that it is usually a lot faster to develop application with it and that it has a lot of built in support for communicating with different type of hardware.

    So what in particullar are you trying to simulate? Motors, encoders, picking up balls, shooting balls, getting data from the camera...?

    In any case, there might be some code available for simulated some specific things, but you might have to wrote some as well.


    btw, what team are you on?

    I am going to be using LabVIEW for various reasons. One of the main reasons im sure is getting data from the camera. Our robot will also be able to pick up balls and shoot them. Like i said, I am very new to this and if there is any need hardware to get for this, i would like your opinion on it. Now our team name, im not quite sure of, but if you look us up on the the first robotics site (usfirst.org) you can find us under Arcadia High School and NASA.

    Thanks for your help, and any additional information you can give me would be great!

  3. Hey, im a new user with LabVIEW and im really interested in the program. Me and some other guys are building a robot and LabVIEW was recommended to use for the Emulating process of the robot. I need some help on what i need to have in order for LabVIEW to really do the best it can do. What hardware and software do i need to get.



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