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Everything posted by reteP

  1. Ok so, what do you think about Actor Framework ???
  2. I don't know what you mean with sentence: Are the all the cylinders in the same state at the same time?. I think all the cylinders isn't in the same state at the same time check pdf. Each cylinder has behavior: Initialization, Move, Check position, Retry, Error. I don't need in this app move with more cylinders together but maybe next app need it. This app need sequence move: move with Gate and than move Lift etc. My problem is with check position because when i moved for example Gate and than must check position real time (every 50ms) upper object must generate message (chceck position) for cylinder every 50ms? Cylinder has time for execute. If time is elapsed cylinder go to the error state and send message to upper object. He equip an error and send to indikators loop error (flash red led on semaphore and beep with buzzer every 250ms till error until the fault is removed) also send message to cylinder Retry. I know that i need a lot of time. I have 5 weeks for this app maybe more HY72100.00_RVS pracovisko kpl..PDF
  3. Here is upgrade example. pokus_101-1.zip
  4. Yes, that's true. And could you tell me how working with this object Instance, for example: when i would like to move with 2 cylinder together. My idea is: every instance put into array and than working with array. It is correct or is better way? I don't understand, how objekt cylinder doing sequnce. I must send each command to cylinder ?? Or is way to do automatic, send 1 command (message) to cylinder loop MOVE and he execute sequence. Thank you pokus_101.zip
  5. Hi PaulL, I would like to do it using OOP. I am beginner in OOP and i have question for class cylinder. Cylinder is parent class for my 5 cylinders ? For example: parent class is formula for others cylinder or not ? When i have 5 cylinders with others parameters (evry cylinder has other time to execute and other count sensors default 2 ) but every has sequnce: check position (call to sensors) -> move (write to HW direction) -> chceck position (call to sensors). First check is checking default position cylinder and second check is checking whether command is completed.
  6. Could you help me please choosing the best architecture for my app. My app contain 5 pneumatic cylinders, 5 hydraulik valve, semaphore of the lights (green, red, yellow, blue) and 2 HW buttons. I want use Message handler for Control, Manipul and Cylinder Loop (check layot). Cylinder has state move and check position. For example: If i want move with Gate (close door) Control loop send message to Cylinder loop and cylinder will do sequence (check position -> move -> check position -> done "send message command done") and then controler go to next state and send message to manipulator take a part and then manipul do seqvence for this command and send result ( command done ok or comand dane with error) etc. I dont know how to create this think. layout.pdf
  7. Hello everybody, What do you think about this construction: i have manipulator composite of 4 pneumatic cylinders. I create objects cylinder and manipulator each object has sequence. Cylinder has sequence: check position->desired position->stop & manipul has release->grip->upward->move->level->clamp. Manipul has also 4 parametre for sequnce ( Zon, Lev, Job, Clamp ). Check my program. Is it possible this program change to AF ?? Could you tell me how please ?? THX img-Z13121327.pdf -----RSV_EM-2001_ver-1-01-----.zip
  8. Hi lab funs, i am beginner with Actor framework (AF). Could you help me understand how to work with AF? My app has 5 cylinders ( Gate, Lift, Shift, Grab, Clamp ), 3 Lamps ( Pass, Error, Servis), 2 Locks, Air distributed ( Vent, Sensor ) and HW Start button. I made class of cylinder with methods ( Init, Move, Check Position ) and i made driver used QMH for this class. Q1: if i want control 5 cylinders, i must make actor for each cylinder or only one ? Q2: How i make comunication between actors cylinder and air distributed ( is free-running, every 1s check pressure then go to turn ON or turn OFF and send message to control actor if pressure = false ) THX QSM-Projekt_Lab2010ver1-01.zip
  9. Hier is UML diagram. Class hierarchy.pdf
  10. Hi James, I want create universal class for control pneumatic cylinder. My app has 5 cylinder they are work in seqvence. For exaple: i tell in my app "closs gate" and i must chcek position, if is good - move the cylinder, if is not good then chceck time if is timeout and allow retry - execute RETRY and then chceck position. Position corect - move a cylinder to desired position. Seqvence cylinder: Check position -> Move -> Check position then cylinder report task done and app go to the next STATE in state machine. I have methods for this steps and i dont know how to implement in my app. My app has 2 controlls section ( pneumatic & hydraulic ) pneumatic cylinder manipul with part in machine and hydraulic testing this part. PS: so sorry for my english (: HY72100.00_RVS pracovisko kpl..PDF
  11. No body help me ????
  12. Hi Lava's, I have an application with pneumatic cylinders. I want used LVOOP, because in the future it will better for reuse code. Each cylinder has 2 sensor and 1 pneumatic valve. Sometimes has 1 or 2< sensors but now i need solve standard construction. Class cylinder has attributes: - origin enum(byDef, bySen) specifies how to init (by default or by sensors) - default (bool) default position cylinder - direction (bool) direction of movement - actual (bool) actual position of cylinder - timelimit (num I32) time to carry out - timeout (bool) time has elapsed - retry (bool) allow retry if was timeout and methods: Create() Destroy() Init() CheckPosition() Move() Retry() I need help with implementation state machine in to class. cylinder_state.pdf class.ZIP
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