If you want to have only one front panel shown to the user, can you either:
-Copy and paste the entire front panel / block diagram from the SubVI to your main VI (There's no easier way that I know of other than 'Select All', 'Copy', 'Paste'. Your VI will get pretty ugly, though, since you now have two VIs in one.
-Run your SubVI through a subpanel. With a subpanel, you can "run" another VI and show it's front panel as part of another. Instructions for that can be found here:
That said, in either case you'll need to create a way to get both VIs to stop simultaneously. I'd probably create a notifier in the "main VI" which sends a notification when the stop button is pressed. Then, have your subVI listen to the notification in its idle case and have it stop on a notification.
Let me know if you need more help.