1st post here so I hope you can help. I have written a short VI to enable me to collect data from two different light detectors, ratio there outputs and output the average point into a labview file (The vi is attached). This is for a chromatography application so I need to be able to control the amount of time (in this case i am controlling the number of iterations of the for loop.) the VI runs and I need to be able to use a digital pulse from my autosampler to trigger the aquistion. As the program stands it works for one injection. However, I would like the VI to wait when it finshes for a 2nd trigger signal and repeat the entire Vi and write a new file. (i.e when the 2nd sample is injected on autosampler, ultimately i would like to be able to run the vi for n samples).
When I enclose the entire program in another for loop and run it. It records the 1st data set as normal but does not wait for another trigger to begin the 2nd set, i.e it runs the 2nd data set straight after the 1st.
Any help would be most appreciated.
James Mann
Univ. of East Anglia
Download File:post-4172-1152716299.vi