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K Waris

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Everything posted by K Waris

  1. Hello All I wonder if this is possible I have a cluster of 3 arrays. I have easiy written the data of one array into csv file. I would like to write the data of other arrays written in sheet 2 and sheet 3 of the csv file. I used simple open, close file function and write txt file function with the file path ending in .csv and it had worked fine. Best Regards K.Waris
  2. Are above topics important for CLD? If a simple queued state machine does the job, do we still need to know the above labview topics? Best Regards K Waris
  3. If I use the insert into array element and keep adding elements into the array, is there a limit to the size of the array it will build up to and stop? Is this the equal to (2^32 - 1)? Best Regards K Waris
  4. My vi has a requirement to display the last 500s worth of data and then wipe off the waveform chart offand plot again. I achieved this but having only one problem. My chart mode is scope mode My chart history length is set to 500000 Acquisition frequency is 1000 Hz X scale offset to .001s I get nice waveform plotting from left to right, after 500s the data is wiped off and labview replots it from left to right however for the very first time the vi is run, labview plots the waveform chart from right to left. Is there anyway I can always plot it from left to right Best Regards K Waris As a matter of fact, I have achieved this- Just used the property node history and initialized the history array to index 500000 and it worked a treat-
  5. Here is an attempt. I have begun to use waveform chart to achieve the requirements in my application but failing miserably!!!! I have found that the actual time it takes for the waveform graph in the attached code( this is just an example, my data acquisition code is very similar to this) to plot 100000 points keep increasing over iterations. I checked it using the stop watch. Failing to plot the actual time is taking the biscuit too!! Please advise what I am doing wrong please. Best Regards K Waris graph limits.vi Read-Write.vi
  6. Is there no way that i can have the cursors on the waveform charts? Designed my entire application and the last bit was to be able to add four cursors and found in the properties there was no column for the cursors!! Waveform graph is unsuitable for my application. Any ideas please? Best Regards K Waris
  7. Vow That's amazing Thanks
  8. Hi Hoovah Thanks for your reply I want to add a cursor wherever I click on a waveform chart/graph. The specifications are stringent!! there could be more than 1 plots on a graph, so for a given x value there could be upto four y (plot) values. when one of the plot at that x value is clicked, the cursor is added programatically locked to that plot. In your reply ' You can then determine if the mouse is on a specific part of the graph and ignore the event or not based on other criteria.You can then determine if the mouse is on a specific part of the graph and ignore the event or not based on other criteria' if I can determine the x and y coordinates of a point 'on waveform chart/graph' where the mouse (left key in my case) is clicked, then I can compare these values with the values of the plot arrays and then lock the cursor to the right array Could we determine the x and y coordinates of points where the mouse is clicked? Best Regards K Waris
  9. I wonder if it is possible that I could trigger an event when one of the plot on the waveform chart/waveform graph is clicked when the cursor of the mouse is hovered over the plot and the left key of the mouse is pressed down?? Any ideas? Best Regards K Waris
  10. Many thanks for your response Ravi, The active tool property was the solution to my customer's requirements Best Regards K Waris
  11. Is it possible to use the data analysis tools in the graph pallete of xy graph using external boolean buttons? I have a requirement where the application zoom in/out and other functions in the graph palletes must trigger using the function keys of the key board. I looked in the property nodes but there doesn't seem like a way out?? Any ideas?? Best Regards K Waris
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