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  1. danke. :laugh: My english is poor,german is poorer
  2. i didn't use it as a startup vi,i don't know how can i post the image of my operation,so i can only post it on http://pp.sohu.com/viewphoto.jhtml?id=1276728 ;because i am stranger to lv8 bulider ,maybe i operate wrong ,please point out my mistake. Best wish.
  3. I alawys creat a instraller under LV7,but now i must creat a instraller under LV8.but i cann't find a option which can creat a instraller :headbang: I find the warn"Polymorphic VIs cannot be used as Startup/Exported or Dynamic VIs for applications or shared libraries.D:\Program Files\National Instruments\lv8\LabVIEW 8.0\user.lib\ADO-Tool.llb\ADOTool_DB Variant to Data.vi"when i build a .exe file.how can i resolve the program.
  4. I feel i have know much though your ideas,Thank you very much.
  5. i close the database everytime .how can i free the memory? another condition :the used memory change little when operateing ActiveX(Access) operate database .why?
  6. I have finished a software with the labsql,but when the software runs ,the used momory becomes bigger an bigger.at the begining ,memory is 41M,serveral hours later,it is over110M :question: thank you
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