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Everything posted by Gauss

  1. I'm trying the DAQ toolbox in Matlab, it supports NI cards so I gave it a try. Anyway I haven't used before Labview and what I need to do is simple. I dunno if there are people here that also has used this tool. But hoping yes, I have a question. Is there a way to force a SampleRate so I don't recieve an error that my device doesn't support the sampling rate I specify? Actually the card supports the SampleRate I'm willing to use, it works fine when I tests panels with that sample rate. What I want to do is to send a bit to activate a sonar and read back the echo signal by an analog port. I'm actually doing it with Matlab, but the problem is the sample rate. Do you think I can learn enough Labview in some hours to just make that, would it be worth?
  2. I'm looking for PCMCIA cards with Linux support, which ones would u recommend? I took a look at the NI site to see for products available with these features and there are 3 cards, 2 a little expensive and one cheaper. I dunno if there are more, that's why I'm asking. Any feedback from experienced people with these cards on Linux would make me happy. Price is not a drawback, but I think I don't need something really expensive. It's supposed to be used with a set of sonars (polaroid 6500), range ultrasonic sensors Thanks
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