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Everything posted by boris

  1. Hello Aitor, yes, your hints are still helpfull. Obviously I hav also forgotten to look for the feedback and one of my colleagues has found your request. BR Boris
  2. Hello, we are using development environment or applications build with LV 7.1.1 and we are using remote panels over a local intranet. One request from our customer is that he don't want to right-click and request control but to get the control automatically at first (and every) startup of the remote panel. Is this possible and how? Second question is again what is loaded to a remote client? Only the front panel or the complete program incl. block diagramm? I understand that the loading time depends on the "deep" of the used front panel objects. And I understand the lvrteng.exe as preload of common objects. So the question is if we use lots of customized objects it makes the loading slower? Is it then possible to integrate also customized objects in the Runtime Engine so that the loading becomes faster? BR Boris
  3. Hi reinato, the dots ar the basics of a filesystem, stating out the above directory and the root directory. Maybe it's possible to surpress them programmatically but not a ftp-server. BR Boris
  4. Hi Sreedhar, I'm just new in the forum, but working with remote panels for longer time. One basic for a remote panel viewed over web is, that the VI on the server has to be loaded in the servers memory. Otherwise it will not work. If the server application is down, you get no connection to the remote station. Boris
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