I ended up using the data acquisition in a loop which records the FM signal with constant time record. At each new iteration of the loop I move the start time by the time record. Thus, if the modulating sine wave is constant, I should be able to obtain a true representation of the FM signal, even if the osc. stops during streaming the internal buffer data to the PC. However, what I noticed is that after some iterations of the loop, the waveform starts "jittering" around. For example, it does not have an exact zero crossing anymore as it jumps up and down a bit. Once I stop the program and auto-setup everything, the waveform is stable again. Do you know what this might be caused by? I guess it must be due to the fact that with each iteration of the loop I move the start time by N*record_time, where N is the current loop iteration. But I don't know what exactly is causing this. Any ideas?