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Posts posted by Moon_eyes

  1. Hi my name is Luis i hope this may help you a little, if you don't want to buy the DAQ card you can use a Microcontroller PIC16f877A or PIC16F876A or just an ADC in the parallel port :lightbulb: .

    :P If you decide to use the ADC it wpuld be cheaper just download the datasheet ADC804 and download an example circuit of how to conect somthing to the parallel port.

    :laugh: If u use the PIC's just let me know and i'll put here the code and the diagram. The pic i said it's easy to find, and it has 6 to 8 channel of ADC so u can multiplex the information so labview can use it. This method only works if the frequency of the signal it's below of 20K, if u wish a faster way then buy the ADC and use the pic or just buy the DAQ car. :laugh:

    by the way, can u please put a VI that just read/write to follow it like an example? :oops:

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