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  1. Darren's post in Avoiding the NI.LV.Dialog application instance was marked as the answer   
    This is the approach that I've seen taken for this issue...you have to do all the work you would normally do in the NI.LV.Dialog app instance in the app instance that owns the VI from which you launched the Tools utility:

  2. Darren's post in Browse Property Dialog was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, the Class Browser (both incarnations...the one you describe, and the one you see when you press Ctrl-Shift-B) is not implemented in G.
  3. Darren's post in How do these FPGA XNodes work without all the abilities? was marked as the answer   
    Those are probably Hybrid XNodes. It's a special kind of XNode that uses C code instead of G code to implement some of the more common abilities.
    P.S. - I've never written a Hybrid XNode, and I have no idea how to create them. I just know they exist, and I'm fairly certain they were used for Function Blocks.
  4. Darren's post in Flat or Borderless Picture Controls was marked as the answer   
    I needed this for a project a while back...in my case, it was an array of pictures with zero borders (and no array element borders either). Here's a VI containing the array of borderless pictures, saved in LabVIEW 2013.
    Array of borderless pictures.vi
  5. Darren's post in Problem reading clusters names in empty array of clusters was marked as the answer   
    I've never used the OpenG Variant tools, but when I try to perform the comparable operation with the VariantDataType VIs (vi.libUtilityVariantDataType), it works fine.

  6. Darren's post in Save changes in toolkit files? was marked as the answer   
    I can speak to the Report Gen Toolkit and Database Toolkit issues specifically. Both of these toolkits are mass compiled in the appropriate LabVIEW version before release (which makes me wonder about Jordan's second screenshot above referencing LV 8.6b7...this may be a bug). Bugs notwithstanding, both of these toolkits happen to make extensive use of ActiveX calls. If there are any differences in the ActiveX components on different machines, then the VIs will prompt you to save changes, even if you didn't actually make any edits to the VIs. This is illustrated by the message in Jordan's first screenshot ("external component modified"). One common cause would be a machine with a different version of Office installed than the one installed on our build machines here at NI, but there are many other causes of ActiveX version number differences as well.
  7. Darren's post in How to get Target IP in post-build step? was marked as the answer   
    Call the "Get Tag" method of the ProjectItem class and use the alias.value tag:

  8. Darren's post in Unable to select locked indicator for unlocking was marked as the answer   
    There is a method of the Pane class called "Unlock Objects" that will programatically unlock controls on the specified Pane. It is a scripting method (so it's exposed in LabVIEW 2010, but not earlier versions). Here is a VI saved in 8.5 that has the method so you can use it.
    Good luck,
    Unlock Objects Method.vi
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