I am trying to send some streaming data from my Microcontroller to LabVIEW (through Serial port) and draw a waveform graph. In this case a send a string from A-Z and so on. It works (even though i have to make sure the LV run first and then the uC, this is to avoid wrong frame reading) . But a strange thing happen when i disconnect the uC. The VI still reading (from A to Z as normal). I try to stop and run it again but it still reading (and so does the graph). I close the VI and open it again, oh no, still running like hell . The whole thing only stop only after i open Hyperterminal or Basic_read_and_write.vi and read something. By the way, this problem does not occur on Hyperteminal or other reading application. What was happen with my program?
As you can see below, i tried to use whileloop to do this, is this the right structure?. And how can i get rid of the wrong frame reading problem. I am thinking of sending some command from LV to uC to have it start sending data. How can i do it. Thank you alot for any helping. :headbang:
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