Hi everybody,
Sorry for my poor English, I'm a french student in internship. I don't master Labview. I have a problem using the "Two Button Dialog". I need to design an application to verify hardware specifications.
What I want to do, is to prevent the user from stopping the VI before the end of the process: I want him to confirm that he wants to stop the VI. So for example, I have two buttons: the first one is used to Close Labview, the second is used to Stop the VI. I have added two Button Dialog with different messages to manage the differents cases.
When I execute the VI, the messages appears and when I click "Ok" to confirm the stopping or closing of Labview, it works. The problem is when I click on "Cancel". The dialog box is closed, and the VI seems to continue working but the User Interface is blocked. I can't click on the buttons or modify a value anymore...
There is a sequence diagram with a while loop in. In the while loop, i have an event struture. It is in this event structure that are managed the click events.
Thanks for your help.