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  1. Hi, I need to do exactly what is described in this mail I found in the Info-labview archive sent way back in 1998. http://messages.info-labview.org/1998/11/08/14.html It seems like these limitations still exist with LabVIEW 7.1. Has anyone tried overcoming these limitations and have some example code that I can use? Thanks, Geeth
  2. Thanks for the very useful tutorial. Have you tried using some of the support vi's such as the "ex_Wire Con Pane.vi"? I was examining the Configuration VI of the Simulate Signal Express VI that ships with LabVIEW. There is a vi included called "ex_Wire Con Pane.vi" which seems to determine the terminals that will be displayed on the connector pane of the Express vi when dropped on the block diagram. I am unable to find any documentation to wire the inputs correctly to this vi. Specifically, there is a terminal called "all Controls" which is a string control array of control names - the order in which the control names need to be specified seems to be important, but I cant figure out how to determine that order. I would like to know if you have ever had to use this vi and figured out how the inputs need to be wired.
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