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Everything posted by wuxingsoho

  1. It is normal now. en.mangotree.cn
  2. We do not hurts cRIO sales in any aera. The one who pay for cRIO is not think about our products. Also we work for the one who cRIO do not work for. The Pocket-RIO is not like any products from NI. It is only $89 and free for sample now. So the Pocket-RIO is design for the one who do not know or used LabVIEW FPGA or the one who need deploy lots of FPGA in their products. So our products can help NI to expand the way LabVIEW to program FPGAs in customers.
  3. We are not illegal so we can post it here to let all of yours know. We also not afraid about NI. We think we are cooperation. But we do not know why in some way we find NI's employees are afraid about us. We do not receive any replays from NI yet. So how NI thinks we do not know. If NI contacts us we will replay.
  4. We do not only can develop cRIO but also Flex-RIO and single board RIO. It is just same technology inside. So we can run all of xilinx FPGAs. You may it in another way. LabVIEW FPGA is so cool but NI profuct is so expansive. I believe many do not have much money to buy a cRIO. Also people use cRIO to do research. No can use cRIO to deply in their products for number of thousands one year. So we do not think we are competition relationship with NI. In opposite we are cooperation relationship with NI. We can let more people use LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA. NI's customers is also not our target customers. This is our thought but how NI thinks we do not know.
  5. We do not need NI to allow us to do this. Indeed NI is not anyone to to this. We have buy LabVIEW professional,FPGA module and RT module from NI. You see it is mostlike the way NI cRIO self hardware works. But it is totally different inside between NI hardware and ours. For Atom-RIO or Hand-RIO(old name) we use PCIe and DMA. We write our code in FPGA and develop the driver ourselves. The toolkit in LabVIEW PC is developed with xnode. But the code inside is totally different from NI. We do not know the code for NI inside yet and we will never know.
  6. Our product is not a cRIO clone. It looks like cRIO. But it just only looks like cRIO. We know how labview fpga and xilinx tools works for program. Then we make our product can run with labview fpga.
  7. Here is the Video about Hand-RIO With English subtitles http://youtu.be/k-Wn9SR1FAk
  8. here is the picture these picture shows module I develop and the Xnodes I develop to communicate between FPGA and CPU http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg3OTI5MTY4.html?x this is product video,I will add english later. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjkyMjMyMTIw.html?x&from=y7.2-1-105.3.8-2.15-1-1-7 this video shows Hand-RIO can work between -40℃ to 85℃
  9. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Neil Pate" data-cid="108839" data-time="1397126863"><p> Neat! It sure beats the stuff I did in university...</p></blockquote> I want to make a low price and more useful RIO devices.Now I know how to use LabVIEW FPGA Module to develop almost all the XILINX FPGAs
  10. I am a college student from China.I develop a Hardware named Hand-RIO. It has Xilinx FPGA ,Atom N2800 CPU ,2GB DDR ,PCIe Bus connect FPGA and CPU. You can use LabVIEW FPGA Module to program Xilinx FPGA. CPU support Windows7 ,WES7,and Pharlap RT.You can use LabVIEW to develop all the system. Hand-RIO almost like cRIO-9081 ,but Hand-RIO has faster DMA speed . Conntact:wuxingsoho@gmail.com www.mangotrees.cn Thanks
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