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Nicholas Wittebol

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  1. So I hooked 'er back up to the scope, and it seems almost perfect! I can now get timing very accurate to the ms, however, the off time always seems to be twice as long as what is entered on the front panel. This can be seen by entering 1000 for both values. When doing this, the light is on for 1 second, but off for 2. I will investigate this further, and hopefully find the problem. P.S. Dividing the Off time by 2 before putting it into the start frame does not solve the problem. So it turns out that the Off Time has to be wired directly into the Start of the next frame, and not added to the Actual Start of the sequence. Strange, as I thought since the first frame started at say 1000, that you would want the start of the next frame to be at 2000. But I guess the Start option for the right data node is relative to the previous frame. Download File:post-5227-1166123023.vi
  2. I would like to thank you all for your help. I will add the DAQmx tasks back into this, and hook it up to an oscilloscope to see how it works now. Will post results later (hopefully I will get time this afternoon). Thanks again!
  3. There must be someone out there who has used precise LabView timing (w/o using RealTime). I have access to timing signals from DAQmx cards if that helps. Thanks
  4. I think what I've done made it worse. Now the light seems to come on for the length of time specified, and then goes off. However, after that, it never comes back on. What have I done wrong? Download File:post-5227-1165946543.vi
  5. Alright, so I have a timed sequence that turns a boolean off, and then on, repeatedly, by an amount of time set by the user. I am also writing to a DAQmx device. When I monitor the line with an oscilloscope and both times set to 2ms, everything is fine. When I set them both to 0ms, it seems to stay high for about 130us, and then low for about the same, which is fine. The problem comes when I set the times to 1ms. It seems to still do 2ms. It does 2ms very accurately, even when I choose 1ms. Is there any way to get 1ms, or is 2ms the best I'm going to get? I have tried using Create Timing Source VI, and using DAQmx timing, and the results are identical. :headbang: Maybe I don't quite know what I'm doing :question: . Any help is appreciated. :worship: I have attached the test code.Download File:post-5227-1165601085.vi Thanks, Nicholas
  6. Okay folks, I need your expert help and opinions! I have attached my code, and in it are comments in the appropriate areas for what I want to do when. Essentially 'Power Interrupt.vi' runs when I hit the 'Start Testing' button in 'Power Panel.vi'. When the stacked sequences reach frames 1 and 3, I want it to trigger an event in 'Power Panel.vi' that will update my DAQ card with the new states of the Radar elements in 'Power Panel.vi'. How can I trigger event 8 in 'Power Panel.vi' from 'Power Interrupt.vi'? Thanks in advance, Nicholas Download File:post-5227-1149596386.llb
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