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Everything posted by Sreeranjani

  1. Thank you, But my actual use case is a to develop a plugin based EXE and the plugins can be DLLs, even the customers can create plugins and can store it in a specified folder from where I have to load it dynamically, so it is difficult to create LabVIEW wrapper for each DLL.
  2. Hi All, I have a set of .Net dlls, all of which have same properties and methods, Is it possible to load a DLL dynamically into .Net container based on some condition at run time. Thanks, Sree Ranjani
  3. Hi All, I wanted to implement LabVIEW software testing at user level (i.e) I want to record,replay and validate the front panel controls and indicators, when browsing through I got to Know about "NI UI Automation Tool" but there are some Issues like the sub panel controls and dialog box actions are not getting recorded or replayed,I tried a tool named AutoIT but in that everything is based on screen coordinate and validation of controls is not possible. Is there any other way to achieve the requirement. Looking forward for Reply, Thanks in advance, Sree
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