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  1. hi crelf! I tried what you suggested and the valve do the same than my connection (I think because it does not matter you short the red and black wires or connected them on a different didgital output pin... they will get the same signal) So the motor in the valve can move (moving continuously) but can not stop after one movement.I have to completly switch off the NI cDAQ 9172 to stop the motor. Normally if I use the manual control and push the button the motor move from one stop to another stop(it takes about 1 sec) So how can I set a time till the valve get signal? I connected the green wire (ground) to the COM1 pin... Is this right? where should I connect my ground?
  2. Hi all! I am novice in Labview(2 months experience) and in Electronics (0month ). I won a student grant in Belgium. My task here is to develop a program in labview 8.01 to control a pump and a valve. The pump is connected to the computer through serial port (I did a program for the pump). Now I am suffering with the valve. This is a 2 position electric actuator which can be remote control. I attached a picture and some instruction how to connect the actuator. For me (correct me if it is not true) it seems that I can remote control the valve with a digital I/O module. I have a NI cDAQ-9172 rack with NI 9401 8 channel TTL Digital I/O Module. Because I haven
  3. mezga

    pump simulation

    hi all, its me again I am working with a pump. I would like to simulate how this pum work with a tank sample in labview. The sample volume is 4015 micl, the starter velocity is 10 micl/sec the acceleration value is 5 micl/sec^2 the max speed is 120 micl/sec. When the pump reach the max speed the acceleration is stop and the pump will slew the max speed till the end of the process. I pasted a table which shows the time, speed and volume of this measurement! the problem is that my pump stop earlier (because it is out of fluid) than it should! I would be happy if somebody can find what is my fault... thanks your help in advance Download File:post-5296-1151590574.llb
  4. Thank you! this is exactly that what I was looking for!
  5. Thanks a lot! I gonna check it at home (I have labview 7 at home and 5 at work...)
  6. ok! here it is...
  7. hi all, I would like to ask a bit help again... I am using labview 5.1 at this moment, but it will upgraded soon! So I would like to paste a jpeg picture into my vi and wire it with a boolean control! I would like to make it visible when the boolean is on... I don't know exactly how to put my picture in the vi. I tried the image cluster indicator (just pasted the picture in it) wired with a boolean in a case structure, and it is appeared when I pushed the button but dont want to disappear again when it was off...
  8. Yes, thanks! During lunch time I was thinking about the problem and found the same disposal what you suggested! It is work! thanks so much
  9. Thank you again, it should work with labview 7.1 I could run the vi (at home), but could not check with the pump because, at my work we use labview 5.1 which as I saw has no first call? option... Could you suggest me some other opportunities how to solve it in 5.1?
  10. WOOW!! Thank you for your help!!! :worship:
  11. Hi all, I am novice in Labview! I ve just started to work and learn it a month ago. I would like to create a program to pump system which is controlled by a lynx4 microcontroller what I can program through serial port! I did a vi for this purpose (with your help :worship: ) Everything is in a while loop to run it continously and I can stop things in the same time. my case structure (which send the command to through the serial port to the controller) is also in the while loop. The problem is this ... becouse it is in the loop it is send the command continously (the pump is not stop after finishing a task) but when i put the case structure out of the loop (nothing changes) it still run again continously (i think because the lines came from the structure go into the loop ---but I am not sure) So how can i make the case structure to send the commands only once? thank you for your help in advance! i attached pictures and the vi!! I've got labview 5.1 and 7.1 Download File:post-5296-1150888281.llb
  12. thanks a lot!
  13. Hi all, I am still novice in Labview, but i like it I would like to create a vi which can make the following: I have got a control and one string indicator. if you write 1 into the control than a function will be executed in a sequence and write a string into the indicator, if you write 2 than another function should be executed, if you write 3 than a third function ...and so on if you write a number into the control which has no sequence than an error message should be indicated into the string indicator!! how can i build this thing? I attached my weak idea in a picture (of course it is not work) if you have any idea please share with me! thanks for the help in advance :worship:
  14. hi JdP! I could not open your file because i use labview 5.1 at my work, but i could make tha popup string by your info!! thank you!
  15. Hi all, I am novice in labview! I did a small vi. there is a control and a comparison (greater or equal). when the number in the control is greater or equal to what I specify at the beginning a string write a short message! How can I make that the string is only appear in the front panel when the comparison is true! so i want to see only the control and the number in it and when the number is greater or equal than something the string appear... other question. I could not copy and paste picture from word or paint to here ... how can i do that?
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