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Status Updates posted by Calorified

  1. Listening to Calculate on @UCBMedia and I feel like boom-boom, boom-boom, boom!

  2. Each day is God's gift. It's the reward for the hard work you do in life. Eat, dress, look your best. Laugh. Life is short.

  3. My @Quora answer to Is it accurate to use noise as input to characterize a water system with an ARMAX model? https://t.co/wjrjhbfjQR

  4. Sleep comes easily when he hears my heartbeat. Super /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" />http://t.co/M2IKloTwNS

  5. Now #7 in "Most Viewed Writer in Control Engineering" on Quora. #EntitledToBrag :P

  6. Answer on @Quora by Jeff Nelson to What advice can you give to someone that isn't afraid of failing, but wasting ti… http://t.co/mrMa3phqe3

  7. Fuckin' implementation of a stochastic kalman gain. http://t.co/dS8FAr9IQw. NI, this is not how to write code,sheesh! Bug cost me 1 wk.

  8. Incredible. "How Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Elon Musk stay productive http://t.co/yQhNfWbtUc via @TIMEBusiness"

  9. Robot builder designed for construction sites https://t.co/47C79bihk9 via @Reuters

  10. RT @kdnuggets: Happy #MoleDay! October 23rd is the day we celebrate #Avogadro's number, 6.02 x 10^23. https://t.co/tPuD3ztoUh

  11. Your write-up is insightful and "royally" entertaining at the same time, @MeAndVan! This is the highlight of my morning so far. Keep it up!

  12. Always, @MeAndVan . Reading your article brings a lot of Sheffield memories. Miss you. Hope you are well, too.

  13. Neural networks that think like humans: https://t.co/Wmx9C4hCa6

  14. RT @nvidia: The GeForce GTX 1080. 9 Teraflops. 8GB GDDRX5 $699 Founders edition. $599 MSRP. Available May 27th. https://t.co/9dRgun2tXa

  15. Proudly Sheffield. Rock on! https://t.co/GP5kS5IU5B

  16. RT @karpathy: New series of 4 lectures on Deep Reinforcement Learning from John Schulman https://t.co/dEnjQCwi7I (recorded @ MLSS 2016 in C…

  17. The first 80% of the project takes the first 80% of the effort, the last 20% of the project takes the last 80% of effort.

  18. RT @DeepMindAI: Latest #DeepMind RL paper: Brain-inspired one-shot reinforcement learning, 10x faster in Atari and 3D #Labyrinth https://t.…

  19. RT @fchollet: Pundit opinions on AI, depending on understanding of technology and economics: https://t.co/7AWUlrScHY

  20. RT @SimoneGiertz: When people complain that I spend time on building useless things https://t.co/38gWbk3j7g https://t.co/enhHdFNKUT

  21. What is a coder's worst nightmare? by Mick Stute https://t.co/DRgn2buN3H

  22. IEEE Xplore Abstract - Medically-inspired approaches for the analysis of soft-robotic motion control https://t.co/twiapINTwZ

  23. RT @paulkrugman: No snark or irony: Michelle Obama was just awesome. Makes you proud of a country in which such a speech is possible.

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