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Status Updates posted by Calorified

  1. You know the election is over when U.S. Generals and army vets stand on the DNC stage to give a full-throated endorsement of Hilary.

  2. I wrote the Sørensen-Dice similarly coefficient as a criterion class in Torch. nn/DICECriterion.lua at lakehanne/nn https://t.co/5yuOeQh32t

  3. RT @_Cooper: Obama's AMA vs. Trump's AMA, h/t @reddit https://t.co/LpKkpFr2jJ

  4. RT @jackclarkSF: If Google creates general AI it might donate it to the UN, says Demis Hassabis https://t.co/uih6c83eas https://t.co/kHz8MU…

  5. Daring Origins: Gianna u???to yy https://t.co/phClOSXu8L

  6. RT @meseali: It's the low-effort, low-impact work that can kill your business, because it's so attractive https://t.co/WrKHJ6YNdE https://t…

  7. How to be a successful grad student. https://t.co/Z8LlcvTUYE

  8. Key breakthroughs in AI continue to pave the way for better living. https://t.co/b5sMQUlJXH

  9. Confucius: "a picture =10K words" Dijkstra: "pictures = weak minds." Wisdom from the ages or from first counter of goto's? #slideProblems

  10. Things I Keep Repeating About Writing – Claire Le Goues https://t.co/u1ehjbePPa

  11. RT @jaketapper: Whatever you may think about Colin Kaepernick's decision, here's how it impacted one Gold Star Mom. https://t.co/3uaUxNsFoM

  12. https://t.co/LfwfEBgxDm

  13. Rode 50:33 with @MapMyRun. #cycling #bike https://t.co/A2OoRl9w3A

  14. When it comes to learning from data, you either go deep or go home, sorry.

  15. WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio | DeepMind https://t.co/T5k6Qt6ZBz

  16. Stupid Patent of the Month: Elsevier Patents Online Peer Review | Electronic Frontier Foundation https://t.co/xzawYP49AQ

  17. Hope is on the ballot; fear is on the ballot. May hope Trump fear. #ThanksObama https://t.co/3g6a1vGwes

  18. Reading Sutton's: https://t.co/U2xvjm9xOt and Bertsekas's optimal control and DP books have greatly aided my understanding of RL.

  19. I scripted a paper: Nonlinear Systems Identification Using Deep Dynamic Neural Networks https://t.co/zvJYSkserC

  20. RT @viegasf: t-SNE multi-dimensional plots can sometimes mislead, see how to use them effectively: https://t.co/Y17ZgMN9Xf with @wattenberg…

  21. RT @ch402: Comparison of different GAN variants. I couldn't fit the full version in our paper. https://t.co/G0gVDincX9

  22. I found these in a public rest room at my University this evening. We are in for a long ride. #NotTheAmericaIKnow https://t.co/dB7fssyyiJ

  23. RT @michael_nielsen: Dyson on Einstein and misplaced ambition & creative snobbery. E worked on many quite practical problems while younger.…

  24. @NandoDF @shakir_za You should definitely go to Lagos, Nigeria. I can guarantee you'll get >10,000 participants with a good PR.

  25. Is there any relation between control systems and Machine Learning? https://t.co/VykE1cKorv

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