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Status Updates posted by Calorified

  1. RT @pucchokun: \あなたもぷっちょあーんしてみない!?/ 【ぷっちょあーん4Dゴーグル】 フォロー&RTで当たる!(5/6締切) ①@pucchokunをフォロー ②この投稿をリツイート ③抽選で2名様に当たるチャンス! #ぷっちょあーん #橋本環奈 詳細→htt…

  2. RT @reverentgeek: Microservices https://t.co/3xYWUgP2QW

  3. RT @ryan_t_lowe: We are open-sourcing the multi-agent particle environments used for our work @OpenAI! Uses Python + Gym interface: https:/…

  4. RT @SarahEMcBride: I received this email from a man who enthusiastically voted for Donald Trump, but who happened to pick up my book. Som…

  5. RT @SimoneGiertz: When people complain that I spend time on building useless things https://t.co/38gWbk3j7g https://t.co/enhHdFNKUT

  6. RT @SpaceX: Falcon 9 first stage landing at LZ-1 as seen from a drone camera → https://t.co/cqy8rQYahQ

  7. RT @SuffolkSi: This is how 40,000 starlings get to bed in less than a minute.@RSPBMinsmere https://t.co/8RxfUen5RT

  8. RT @TEDTalks: This floating, multi-span suspension bridge in Norway will traverse extremely deep waters. It will float on pontoons tethered…

  9. RT @viegasf: t-SNE multi-dimensional plots can sometimes mislead, see how to use them effectively: https://t.co/Y17ZgMN9Xf with @wattenberg…

  10. RT @AstroSamantha: One last peak before bedtime. Un'ultima occhiata prima di dormire. http://t.co/u6VdwEYeeF

  11. RT @kdnuggets: Happy #MoleDay! October 23rd is the day we celebrate #Avogadro's number, 6.02 x 10^23. https://t.co/tPuD3ztoUh

  12. RT @roboticwrestler: "Boston Dynamics shows off new robot dog, dooms us all by kicking it" http://t.co/Vt3H1rkDoj via @thenextweb

  13. Sleep comes easily when he hears my heartbeat. Super /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" />http://t.co/M2IKloTwNS

  14. Someone's been working too hard. Hello weekend, here I come! http://t.co/Agx9rxyJPD

  15. Stupid Patent of the Month: Elsevier Patents Online Peer Review | Electronic Frontier Foundation https://t.co/xzawYP49AQ

  16. The 2017 Top Programming Languages - IEEE Spectrum. Python is a solid #1. https://t.co/5keCbBzc4h

  17. The first 80% of the project takes the first 80% of the effort, the last 20% of the project takes the last 80% of effort.

  18. The frobenius norm of a matrix is same as the transpose of the trace of the gram of that matrix. :)

  19. The truth is dramatic and fascinating enough. Why twist it?

  20. Things I Keep Repeating About Writing – Claire Le Goues https://t.co/u1ehjbePPa

  21. This is my face with the Kinect for Windows v2 Infrared Camera Sensor (=awkward) http://t.co/MlGGkVuHpF

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