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    LabVIEW 2010
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nazneen's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. How to use TDMA and transmit in two time slots using NI-USRP? Can anyone explain the general flow?
  2. After taking dct of the input image, the matrix contains values which are 16 bit unsigned. How to obtain the compressed image from this?
  3. Anyone who can help me out ??
  4. Their is an example vi for image compression using DCT in Labview 2010. How to view the compressed image in that, as the example outputs only the restored image(decompressed image) and how to calculate the compression ratio for the same.
  5. thank you so much sir i hope my guide approve this.
  6. Its not a final year project, its a laboratory project. I know that .png is compressed format, my guide asked me to compress the image further. I am scared that I am being misguided, as the image quality is not so good and compressing it further would be a total waste. Can I design a barcode reader using that cam?? And thomasgutzler sir, bingo I already knew that .png is a compressed format. Its NOT a final year project. I am asking for help because I am new to labview. Thanks anyways:) and yup my '.' Key is working fine, thanks for your concern
  7. Real Time image compression...image that I captured from Basler cam is in .png format ....649*494 size( not exact)..i have to compress ghis image without much degradation in the image quality....its a three months project..not much familiar with labview Its enough if I compress the images as of now...using those compressed images can be extended for phase 1 of final year ...thanks
  8. I did chose yet...the sing I picture quality is not so good...which compression techniques would be better...i am new to labview..
  9. I am doing my mini project in labview..all I have done till now is--> captured image using basler sc-A640 camera and read the pixel value...how do I compress this image??
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