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  1. I'm using a for loop for other things, and it just seemed convenient to do the replacing in the for loop. I have come up with an alternative, I think. Thank you for your help though. I can't get the block diagrams on from here, so it wil lhave to wait until later. I am now taking the results of my test, and pulling them out of the for loop. That makes an array from them. Then, I just replace the column of my original array with the results array that was just created, and I get the table I wanted. I was making it far too overcomplicated.
  2. Hi, I've been using Labview for a grand total of 2 weeks and 1 day now at work. Generally, it has been very simple for me to get a program to do what I want. I'm struggling with a vi right now though, because I am bogged down in thinking in a textual manner. Essentially, I have a table control. This is used to hold all sorts of data and parameters for a test program I have. I need to eventually extract one row from the table (index array?), change one element in that row, put it back in the array, and then send that new array to an indicator. The problem comes from this sequence being in a for loop. After the first iteration, I need to use the indicator table as my control table. Feedback works until the last iteration, when my changed row does not appear at the indicator. I hope that makes some sense. I can try taking a screenshot of the block diagram if it does not, but there is a lot of other junk on there that really doesn't need to be seen for this issue. Does anyone have some suggestions on where to go from here? I need that last change to be visible when the program ends.
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