We are announcing a brand-new LabVIEW toolkit, aimed at making publication-quality plots directly from the block diagram. In addition to regular line, scatter, and bar plots, this toolkit also supports advanced features like 2D contours, vector fields, streamlines, alpha transparency, and inline math using LaTeX. You can save plots directly to disk in half a dozen formats, including PDF and PNG.
We call it the "Advanced Plotting Toolkit", and it's available at http://www.advancedplotting.com along with example VIs and documentation. The toolkit is in open beta, and distributed as a standard .vip package with no dependencies. If people have the time, we'd love to hear feedback. That doesn't just mean bug reports... this is an amazing community and we'd love feature suggestions as well. Comments are welcome here or by email (contact@advancedplotting.com).
I've included some screenshots of our example VIs below to give you an idea of what the output looks like. Btw, there is also a stand-alone demo app (built using Application Builder) that you can use to test-drive the toolkit without installing anything in LabVIEW.