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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2015
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Beamer397's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I was given this problem to simulate a vending machine and to add the total cost and total money input and have it calculate out the change due or more money needed. I have set it up to calculate the total cost and input values but it then asks to use the select function (true false) to compute the change due or change needed and im not sure how to wire the select function into it.
  2. i tried it with 2D array and it told me it wouldn't allow it because it wasn't 12 so i made the array 12
  3. i tried making each row with the for loop to get the +1 succession for each row but it just gave an error its an assignment but i just had zero clue where to even begin on it. the only instruction was whats on the paper Untitled 4.vi
  4. The numbers i assume are random generated, for the addition node what am i adding? The random number generator and a constant??
  5. Im trying to do this problem that has a 2D array with 12 rows and 6 columns. It wants the first row to only display numbers 0-1, the second row 1-2, third 2-3, and so on to the final row. Any suggestions on how i can do this? not sure where to even start
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