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Brian B

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Posts posted by Brian B

  1. pallen,

    I am running a nested loop architecture becuase my program is running several pieces of equipment that need to be changed programatically during certain stages of the test. The reason that I am trying to exit the subvi indirectly is in cases where some device in the test was set wrong or the device under test just blew up.

    I am trying to avoid displaying the subvi for many reason but mostly because I have up to four loops nested and it would get to be an excess of windows displayed. This would end up covering up the data that the user does need to see in order to know if the test needs to be aborted for some reason, and also causes a lot of windows "blinking" open and close.

    Using the abort button is also not an option as I need to exit gracefully in order to shut down test equipment to avoid further damage and save data to see why a problem was generated.


  2. I'm looking for some help with some code that I am trying to write. The problem is that the top level program is the only vi that the user has access to and I have many subvi's running for an extended amount of time. My question is, how do I get a subvi that may be running for an hour or so to exit from commands from the main vi?

    I have tried using a global variable to pass the stop command with, but the main vi is totally ignored during execution of any sub vi's. An example of what I am trying to do is attached.

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