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Harry potter

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Posts posted by Harry potter

  1. Hello,


    Based on the color i need to classify the object. i need to use lab view classify method to classify the object but before classification i need to train classifier so used vi present in labview 2013 to code for the training classifier  as my idea i designed as follows:


    imaq create color classifier vi creates classifier session and imaq color classifier option vi configures my classifier session with their color options low,medium or high intensities.

    using imaq add samples vi add the number of color samples to the defines color class name such that when i keep on object in front of my camera it has to auto classify the color of the object. But i am have no idea how to add samples to the class using imaq add sample vi.


    i should not use vision color classification training to train my classifier. so please help me with your valuable suggestionscolor classification training.vi to overcome my problem.


    so please any help is really appreciative 


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