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Posts posted by 24VCC

  1. Hi everyone, 


    After two attempts of running the OEM software on two differents computer (maybe the communication problem could have come from drivers conflict), I am now thinking that the problem comes from the USB cable and so I will try the serial bus with the following cable (http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/kvm-mixed-cable-assemblies/6877819/) as soon as the OEM contact send me the pinout of the serial connector, and so I'll be able to use a serial sniffer..


    Thanks to porter, I've been able to use the Comtester and the communication seems to be OK but it ends with -1073807298 when I try to read registers (I've attached screen shots).

    A good thing is that Tim_S must be right about parameters set because I've tried a VI given by a support and so it shows that the previous error is no more a prob...


    Please tell me if I made a mistake in understanding the situation or if I missed something.


    Thank you :)



  2. Thank you all for your answers.

    Could you please send me another version of the VIs please, because I can't run them with Labview2012.


    I'm currently trying to use a serial sniffer while executing the OEM software, but I'm now having troubles using it, since their software can't even set a proper communication. I have asked the manufacturer if there was something special to do to make it work but it seems like the main problem comes from the bench...


    Once this step is made, I'll focus on Labview and possible defecting parameters

  3. Thank you Mr Bean :)


    That's the way I tried it. I first installed the OEM software on another computer and was able to send and receive a few informations so I know the hardware communication can be set. I haven't tried it on this computer but since there's no drivers issue, I guess it wasn't necessary. I'll do it again since it doesn't take a lot of time.


    I must agree with you on that point, their support is very poor, and their manual isn't so much detailed. In fact, the OEM manual only show us the usual Windows device manager window to give us some information about the default com setting : 

    bit per sec (baud) : 9600

    data bits : 8

    parity : none

    stop bits : 1

    flow control : none


    The link between the bench and the computer is made by an USB  A to B cable, given by the OEM, but thanks to the OEM manual, I know it is also possible to command it with RS-232.

    I know the com port is well assigned because i changed it on the Windows device manager and it can be seen/unseen when I turn ON/OFF the device. However, I have a problem with VISA resource name, as you can see it on the picture attached. Maybe it is the cause of my problem, but as it the first time I'm having so much issues to establish a device communication, I don't have so much experience with that.


    I've attached the OEM documents to control the bench with protocol Modbus so that you can see informations about it, but I already have tried both parameters (from adress 0 and adress 40000) and the same dead-end. Same thing happened with modbus adress device, because the default one is adress 35 (and I tried it with this adress) but as I can change the adress on the bench front panel, I swaped it to adress 1. 


    I've also attached 3 differents VI that I used trying to establish communication, so that you can tell me if the global architecture is correct.


    Thank you for your time  


    Modbus Example.vi




    FlowCom Modbus commands.pdf

  4. Honestly, I only know a few things about how Modbus works, and so I've tried many examples given by Labview (in the usual modbus libraby) or that I've found on the community FAQ, and most of them gave me the same -1073807298 result.. If you have an idea of example that should fit to my situation, please tell me because I'm currently doubting about the functions that I have to use.


    Is this topic dealing with what you meant ? :


  5. Hello everyone.


    I'm currently trying to establish a communication between a Superflow SF1020 bench and Labview thought a Modbus protocol and I'm meeting a few troubles...


    First of all, the device can be seen by MAX properly only when i just rebooted the computer. At this moment, I can open the VISA panel and see on his attributes that "Is Port Connected" has an "Invalid Property Value" on his current value. 


    At this point, I tried some examples found on modbus library or on topics given by labview community and It always starts the same way : I just have to choose "Com 1" for the visa ressource name before the system detect the instrument and so I can finally choose "ASRL1::INSTR". At this moment, MAX can only see that the interface name is "unknown". As the device is "reserved" by the program, I can understand that it is not usable anymore, but as I'm not an expert, I prefer to explain all the details, in case it could help.


    Among all the examples I found, most of them end the same way, with the famous visa read error -1073807298 that I've never succeed in overpassing it, even with the help of many older topics :



    and I just quoted the official solutions ...


    Besides, I also tried to do a Modbus I/O server to see if there was any piece of informations that was transfered by the bench and there was none. As a result, the attribute "CommFail" was on true state...


    As I'm not used to Modbus protocol or serial instruments, I'm not even sure if the communication was well set or if my problems come from the SF1020 or my lack of modbus communication knowledges. In that way, if any of you know how to solve my problems or at least one of them, help will be warmly welcomed 16x16_smiley-happy.gif



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