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Everything posted by proximal

  1. Hi, I'm a Certified LabVIEW Architect seeking new contract work. I am based in the Austin, Texas area, and can travel within the US or overseas if needed. As a former NI employee, I have extensive experience creating large LabVIEW applications for test and measurement systems. Areas of expertise include LabVIEW, LabVIEW RT and FPGA, NI Vision, C, C++, C#, PXI, cDAQ, cRIO, sbRIO, GPIB, and more. Please email me at nathan@proximalcorp.com for more information. Thank you!
  2. Thanks! It works now. Nathan
  3. Hi Everyone, Thanks for all the great content and info on this site! And thanks in advance for reading my question. I'm new here, and I'm having trouble posting on the Job Listings forum. Here's a screenshot of when I try to select Job Listings. It's light gray (not selectable). I try to click on it and nothing happens. I don't seem to have any problem selecting other sections (including this support section obviously). Is there a restriction on posting there? What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Best Regards, Nathan
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