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About reed

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    Austin, TX

LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2010
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  1. The crash is fixed. Due to the implementation details I highly doubt we'll be able to update the error message. Sorry about that. We will be sure to include this issue in the Knowledge Base.
  2. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it doesn't appear this feature will make it into the 2011 version. There seems to be too much disconnect between the two pieces to be sure of a quality integration at this point in the release cycle. It will be a high priority going forward from here. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I am very sorry that it's not working yet.
  3. Richard, I took a look at that model and the problem seems to be that the summation node with a single vector input performs a vector summation. The LabVIEW Simulation summation node does not work like that, yet. To fix those broken wires in that VI, I think you can replace the two summation nodes that are fed directly by the CGD vectorSelectorNode subVIs with the Add Array Elements node from the Numeric palette. There also appears to be a bug with the selector translation that is not creating a vector of indicies to pass into the 'i' term of the CGD vectorSelectorNode subVI. You'll need to create that to get the correct output. I've filed bug reports on all these issues. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. -Reed
  4. Hi Richard, I am one of the developers of the Simulation Translator, so hopefully I can offer some insight. Have you installed the patch for the translator for the Simulation Module 2.0? It can be found here: http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/websearc...62571250070D3EE It should help with some of the broken wires, in particular. The subVIs just perform the correct selection operation, given the input indicies. They should not be password protected and I've filed a bug report to that effect. HTH, -Reed
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