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  1. I need to implement a low-pass filter into LabVIEW 8.0. I noticed that there are filters vi's built in, but they are not included in the Base package. Is there another way to do this without upgrading my LabVIEW? Thanks.
  2. I am using a cRIO-9215 with a clamp on current probe. The probe outputs 1mv/A (Maximum of 1.5V/1500A). I typically am measuring currents from 200-1000A but I am unable to get consistent data. I am receiving data using the DAQmx assistant in LabVIEW to receive data (once per second). If I am measuring a current that is 500A then LabVIEW will fluctuate anywhere between 450A-550A even though the current is actually very close to a constant 500A. I'm pretty sure that my current probe is functioning correctly because when I measure the output with a Fluke multi-meter I am receiving the correct voltage with no fluctuations. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
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