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Posts posted by polyplay

  1. QUOTE(yen @ Jul 9 2007, 08:34 PM)

    What is your actual problem?

    I ran it as is and got back 101. Is that a desirable result? What do you get?

    101 is an OK result. In my case LabVIEW crashes. See the attached file.

  2. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6328


    I am trying to access function "xlLinSetChannelParams" from vxlapi.dll (see the attached archive). For the parameter "statPar" I need to pass a structure and I use a cluster with the format specified in the function prototype. If Adapt to Type is selected as input type, there are to possibilities to pass data: by value and by pointer. No matter what data format I choose, the function prototype shows me that data will be passed by pointer (short int _xlLinSetChannelParams@28(long portHandle, unsigned long long accessMask, void *LinParam);).

    Any idea how to fix this or use other method to make this function work.

    P.S. If you manage to make this work, you will receive an error code with values between 0 and 255. The inputs portHandle and accessMask are correct; the problem comes from the structure.

  3. Windows dll "winmm.dll" has set time event that can call a function to be executed periodically based on the timer period. Any idea how it is possible to pass a VI to be executed.

    Here is dll's function :

    The timeSetEvent function starts a specified timer event. The multimedia timer runs in its own thread. After the event is activated, it calls the specified callback function or sets or pulses the specified event object.

    MMRESULT timeSetEvent(

    UINT uDelay,

    UINT uResolution,


    DWORD dwUser,

    UINT fuEvent




    Event delay, in milliseconds. If this value is not in the range of the minimum and maximum event delays supported by the timer, the function returns an error.


    Resolution of the timer event, in milliseconds. The resolution increases with smaller values; a resolution of 0 indicates periodic events should occur with the greatest possible accuracy. To reduce system overhead, however, you should use the maximum value appropriate for your application.


    Address of a callback function that is called once upon expiration of a single event or periodically upon expiration of periodic events. If fuEvent specifies the TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_SET or TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_PULSE flag, then the lpTimeProc parameter is interpreted as a handle to an event object. The event will be set or pulsed upon completion of a single event or periodically upon completion of periodic events.


    User-supplied callback data.


  4. Open_AddDev_Run_Read@ controls via ActiveX a simulation from CANape. This simulation uses event structure to trigger a read or write process on value change (it cannot be run if you do not have CANape installed on your computer - but this is not important).

    With WriteReadCANapeVI I change the value of the controls in the previous VI, but the event structure does not react on value change in this case.

    How this works? Any idea how I can fix this?

    Thank you.

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