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  1. That makes sense. I'll give it a try. Thanks
  2. Download File:post-5627-1158786719.viI am currently working on a project that will continuously log data at set times through the day for a process consisting of two (actually three events. One event triggers at both on and off modes). Depending on the event, data is logged a different rates. One log rate occurs for Event 2 for 30 min unless interrrupted by Event 1 for which there is a differernt log rate that takes over. If Event 2 is not interrupted then a 3rd log rate takes over until interrrupted by Event 1 or 2. I am in NO WAY asking anyone to do my homework for me . The VI operates wonderfully (granted with a heck of alot of polling going on; I have yet to get a handle on event triggered programing with event cases), and it saves files when prompted to. The Problem is I CAN'T GET THE VI TO STOP!! When I try to stop the VI with a Button Controller on the front panel, all loops seem to stop fine but the VI tries to save a final file twice. I only wanted once and the VI will not exit. I can't seem to figure out why. I'm monitoring all loops from the front panel and they all seem to stop. If someone could take a look at it and tell me why it will not stop, it would be greatly appreciated. That's all I'm asking, just help me stop it. Of course any other suggestions are more than welcome . I have attached the VI for your perusal
  3. Thanks Mike, Jacemdom, I'll look into both of your suggestions. Looks like I still have a lot to learn.
  4. Is there a way to stop a VI within an event structure once the Event structure is activated, or are you forced to wait untill the script within the event structure terminates itself. I have been trying to use event structures to initiate code, but I also need to be able to terminate the code based on user interface. But everytime I try to code the program the script will intiate and run correctly but I cannot interupt/stop it once the code begins. The buttons on the front panel will not respond. Is there a way to interrupt the code in an event structure?
  5. Hello all, I'm a mechanical/electrical engineer on a project with a limited budget. We can't afford a dedicated pogrammer, so one day in May my boss came up to me and said, here. This is Labview, We need it to aquire this data from these sensors and transmitters and control this, that, and the other thing. Good Luck. And that was my introduction to Labview, and I have been banging my head on the keyboard ever since. All joking aside, after going through a pile of reference manuals and online resources I have so far been able to hold my own. But , I have to say, that this sight and it's members have been a godsend. There have been times where I have become hopelessly stuck and have received help here. Thankyou for all you have done. And I hope I can be an equally contributing member to this sight.
  6. But, if the file is open and the program crashes durring a write to file, there is still going to be a chance of file corruption and loss of the file correct? Or will previously saved data be recoverable?
  7. Labview for Everyone? I am unfamiliar with that text. Can it be purchased from Amazon.com?
  8. What in your opinion would be the best way to collect data in Labview? My data aquisition code retrieves data from a buffer in 10 sample blocks (an array with n columns and 10 rows). Currently I am using a shift register in a while loop to pass the previously built array from the output of the build array function and appending the array with the newly retrieved data array. At the end of the aquisition I then write to a spreadsheet file. The thing is that i am collecting data for an 8 hour period at 1 sec per sample. Is there a limit on how much data can be built in an array? or am I better off appending directly to a file? Also, if I build this size of an array, how much will this slow my code down?
  9. Thanks Jacemdom, It will certainly be easier if I can keep all my Globals in one VI. And Mike, I'll go ahead and look that up. Queue Messaging may come in handy, Thank you.
  10. Thanks for the info
  11. Other Than a neater looking flow code. Is there an advantage to creating and using subvi's rather than wiring your entire code into one VI. I mean, is there some speed advantage? or is it just easier to trace?
  12. Thanks Jacemdom, I was wondering about the read and write timing. But luckily most of my need for globals are only going to be used to logg the latest readings. But I do have one question about using only one Global Vi for all globals. Is there a chance of conflicts if a parallel VI attempt to read from the Global while another is writing to it?
  13. Writing and reading from a global variable did the trick. It works wonderfully. Thank you Jacemdom. You're a life saver.
  14. Thank you for your suggestions. I'll look them up immediately and let you know how it turned out. I've been banging my head for weeks. I can display the data beautifully. I just can't seem to log it correctly
  15. I've created a labview VI that allows me to parse information from a data string. This prcess uses a while loop to read the string, parse the data, and display the parsed data and update on a continuous basis. But I do not only need to display the data but also save it to a file fo later analysis. Unfortunately, I can't just save it all in one big file or else I would just build an aray within the loop and pass it out upon completion. I need to save the data in a sequence of seperate files, so that if something goes wrong I won't loose ALL the data. Besides I would rather work with smaller chucks of data than one big file. I would like to pass data out of the while loop after EACH iteration into a seperate data logging process( for loop within a seperate while loop to build an array to pass to a file save). Is there a way in labview to do this?
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