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  1. :thumbup: i found this forum full of gurus while myself is a newbie only. i just got the Labview 7.0 base with the compact Fieldpoint and our purpose is simple enough: to so some simple data acquisition and some temperature control. i did the data acquisition part, well, that's easier. for the PID control of the temperature, it's a little hard for me. as i said, we don't need the fancy features in the PID toolkit, e.g. autotuning, fuzzy logic, real-time, and we only need the plain reliable PID for our temperatures. we used to use CAMILE for the chemical process control and they seem robust and simple and i found Labview is more versatile and not so easy to use. and to make things worse, we ordered the digital output board ( NI cFP-DO-400 8-Channel Sourcing Digital Output Module for Compact FieldPoint) which we supposed it's the same with that of CAMILE's. it ISN'T. this one seems to be the right choice since it will control by varying the duty cycle of the voltage output. NI cFP-PWM-520 8-Channel Pulse Width Modulation Output Module for Compact FieldPoint even though i think it's still possible to control via the DO-400 with some programming. i also found the simplePID vi on the NI website but no fortune to make it run sucessfully. is there anyone who has the experience or willing to give a helping hand? I really appreciate it. :beer:
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