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  1. ) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Basic Serial Write and Read.vi Error -1073807342 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Basic Serial Write and Read.vi This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input. I am having this error while running the basic serial read and write VI please help me
  2. 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Basic Serial Write and Read.vi Error -1073807342 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Basic Serial Write and Read.vi This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input. I am having this error while running the basic serial read and write VI please help me
  3. thnx Man :thumbup:
  4. I am unable to use rs232 through labview if someone could help or refer to me some good tutrial I,ll be very thankful to you
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