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Hemant Chourasia

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    LabVIEW 2016
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  1. Request to all please have a look to the above solution, give fews suggestions about the overall design and others parts of the application.
  2. Hello All, It will very helpful if anybody can review and give suggestions about the architecture, error handling, documentation and tags placement of my attempt of the CLA ATM sample exam practice. Thanks in Advance Hemant ATM.zip
  3. Is it necessary to document library, controls and all VI. 1. Can you Help me in understand about how much documentation needed and where I have to document. 2. What is this style portion (10 point) in the exam. Hemant
  4. Actually I have already looked into the sample example and hopefully I will be posting my attempt in the coming weekend. I am practicing for a while now. But sometimes doubts are coming. After looking into the sample exam also I have doubt about tags placement. 1. Regarding tags, it should point to the exact location where the requirement has been covered or how to place a tag if there is doubt about the tags. Thanks
  5. Hello again, 1. Can you please share few strategy, how to approach the CLA exam in term of time management and all. 2. Regarding tag placements, how to tag the requirement in the application. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks. Thank you very much for a such a clear and concise explanation. Really appriceted. Thanks Hemant
  7. Thanks for the your reply. Circular buffer and show last error, good idea. As for just CLA, i think blocking other process it being fine if error occur in any other module. As from the sample exams ATM,car wash and elevator, it seem FGV well suited in that type of scenario. Have you seen this samples exam any time? What do you thing FGV is fine or not.? Thanks in advance.
  8. Right, dialog in mid of the test may also lead the memory full error if you have asynchronous error handling.. Instead of dialog in mid of the test its better to have some kind of status as string or something.
  9. Thanks for your response.. If there are situation where blocking the rest application is required, then I think FGV fits well. For example Like if you have seen CLA sample exam, there blocking is fine. What do you think? Thanks in Advance Hemant
  10. Thank you very much your responses really appriceted and thanks a lot. But when ever I am using QMH for centralized error handler, I am encountering following problem. Thats why moving to FGV, block other process. 1. Let us say error occur from user console and error handler display error to user with the option to clear or continue. This needed user interaction to carry on. Even though my controller is executing without user interaction, idley controller should come to halt as soon as error occure or timer should stop. 2. For stopping all the module's, I am broadcasting the stop flag for stopping all module(centralised error using QMH and etc. using user event. In this case am unable to trap any error which is coming from shutdown state as my error handler, QMH has already been stopped or exited. Thanks
  11. If FGV has been used across modules as centralised error handler and if FGV display error dialog to the user then FGV will block all the module's..which is not there in Queue based centralized error handler. Is it require to have asynchronous error handler or FGV is being fined for CLA Exam. Hemant
  12. Thank you very much Hoovahh, Can you please just tell me ones in simple term . What is Centralized error handler in general term? Thanks
  13. Thanks Hoovahh, Can you please provide me some links that talks about centralized error handler happen at NI Week or any white paper. Thanks
  14. Hello All, I have one doubt about the Centralized error handler. 1. Centralized error handler? It means we should have a one controller or centralized error module that talk with error API that we have included in to our all modules like user console, sensor etc. 2. or just having a FGV is fine for Centralized error handler. Can any one please help me in understanding about the term Centralized error handler. Thanks In Advance. Hemant
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