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Everything posted by CarlosLuevano

  1. Thank you Tim_S I am going to check in the NI Forum. Best regards.
  2. Thank you for your answer. Well, I have been doing test with the Ethernet toolkit, specially with Get Attribute Single.vi as show in the image but I have only gotten information with class = 1, instance = 1 and attribute = 1 and the information that I got was model information. I want to read data from my inputs slots connected to Point I/O and I want to write data to my outputs slots connected to Point I/O but I do not how to configure classes, instances and attributes for every slot. I think this configuration is made by point I/O but I am not sure. If anybody can help me, please.
  3. Recently I downloaded EtherNetIP toolkit and I do not know how to use. I have to read and to write values into the point I/O Allen Bradley to control some devices from PC to point I/O. It will be useful if you can help me with some examples. I used Get Atributte Single.vi but I do not know What are Class, Instance and atributte inputs in VI. For example a input in the point I/O is a emergency stop and I need to monitor this input from PC, but I do not how to use the tookit. Another example is I have to active some actuator (output point I/O) from PC. I appreciate you can give me information. Thank you.
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