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  1. Honestly that's what I expected. People make a good living off of being able to code in Labview, and if I was one of them I wouldn't do my job for free, and not being one I don't expect it, so of course I am very appreciative and somewhat surprised as to how much help I have gotten so far. I had time to screw around with this some more recently and found out that there actually is a full VI in here, which I somehow missed the first time around, but I seem to be having an error when trying to run it. I am missing a subVI called DNL_SendDeviceExplicit associated with a library DNLAB32 (I think its a library, although I am not sure). I can't tell if this is something local to this program or something intrinsic in LabView. Since I have 7.0 Express I am missing a lot of intrinsic VIs. I googled the terms and got nothing so I am thinking it is something local to the program. Either way, back to the JAVA drawing board. That's its own set of headaches as I can't seem to find a good forum for the API I need to work with. Yet again: So long, and thanks for all the fish
  2. I have had a number of requests for the rest of this library. I was telling people to go to MKS because they still had them, or so I thought. MKS seems to have 'lost' them. I love their hardware, but.....anyways. So I am gonna upload the other three parts in the off chance that one of the people hunting this stuff will untangle these terrible VIs for me. C'mon yall, get me that promotion I haven't been working for Download File:post-5939-1164081439.zip Download File:post-5939-1164081514.llb Download File:post-5939-1164081662.llb
  3. Well, first I think I got this in the wrong section of the forums, I believe that this belongs in the NI section. Anyways, your comment about NI hardware concerns me a little bit because what I need this for has to do with an MKS mass flow controller that is not NI supported. I don't want to waste my company's money on a training that will not allow me to work with the equipment we have, as a new mass flow controller (an NI supported one) is far out of our financial reach at the present time. I just found out (as I was writing this) that an ex-employee here had considered taking the training classes but decided not to. Maybe it was for these reasons I just mentioned, I will be talking to him tommorow so I will ask him about that then. If this is the case (not a justifiable expense) then that will suck. It was the closest chance to getting something akin to a tuition reimbursement I will ever have at my company.
  4. So, I was talking with my boss about a JAVA program I was trying to create and we got onto the topic of labview (which I have no experience with). Long story short he said he could gather some funds for me to take some courses. I checked ni's website and it seems that there are a lot of self-paced courses which are cheap/free, and then there is the instructor driven basics courses which come in at about 2000$ for a week of training that should set me up for the opening certification test (associate). My questions are: 1) What experiences do people here have with the NI instructor trainings, are they really worth the money (remember its my company's money not mine)? 2) What value do the certifications have? Do they really mean much in the end? 3) What value would a basics course have (which supposedly covers everything the associates test covers)? What I would need to do is be able to run mass flow controllers and furnaces from a computer with some limited logic/trip alarms built in. Yall may remember me having come here a while ago. Anyways, any advice would be appreciated.
  5. I'll upload 2 of the 5 packets I was sent, as the total size of the 5 is like 15 meg or so. The other issue (which I forgot to mention) is that we are using Labview 7.0 express base. I don't even know if these are compatable. I appreciate the help. Download File:post-5939-1156456855.llb Download File:post-5939-1156456891.vi
  6. Howdy I was able to score some third party labview drivers for a mass flow controller I am working with (MKS type 146C). Of course I know nothing about labview, and there were no instuctions on what to do with this massive bundle of VIs, so I am stuck. I know I will need a hire a contractor at this point, so my question is this: Without any instuctions or literature about the drivers, can they really be used without having to go through them piece by piece? My programming experience tells me that a program with no literature/commentary is a real ###### to figure out at first. Are there standards when it comes to building labview drivers or what? I can't afford to hire a contractor for very long. From what I can tell the program I need is pretty simple once you get communication with the hardware down. I just don't know how hard that will be. Also, I already checked the NI database for drivers, there weren't any. MKS only had 1 product with supported drivers. Awesome support :headbang: Anyways, any advice on the useability of drivers without literature would be helpful, and pleaase keep in mind, I know almost nothing about labview, so if my post made no sense please excuse me.
  7. So, here's my situation. I need to learn how to program a VI for a mass flow control system and a furnace controller within the week. Basically I need to jury rig a ghetto PLC with labview in a short period of time with little to no experience :headbang: . Good times. Anyways, you will probably hear some questions from me in a very quick succession. I will do my best to search for existing, relavent threads, and not hit yall with too many questions already answered. My background includes a little Java (up to recursive theory and data structure design, roughly), but for the most part I am programming impaired. Most people I have asked have described labview as being somewhat easy to learn. For what I need I sure hope it is. Of course, I am currently waiting on a reply from the manufacturer, I pray that they have already have a VI for me. Alrighty, have a good one.
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