I was able to score some third party labview drivers for a mass flow controller I am working with (MKS type 146C). Of course I know nothing about labview, and there were no instuctions on what to do with this massive bundle of VIs, so I am stuck. I know I will need a hire a contractor at this point, so my question is this:
Without any instuctions or literature about the drivers, can they really be used without having to go through them piece by piece? My programming experience tells me that a program with no literature/commentary is a real ###### to figure out at first.
Are there standards when it comes to building labview drivers or what?
I can't afford to hire a contractor for very long. From what I can tell the program I need is pretty simple once you get communication with the hardware down. I just don't know how hard that will be.
Also, I already checked the NI database for drivers, there weren't any. MKS only had 1 product with supported drivers. Awesome support :headbang:
Anyways, any advice on the useability of drivers without literature would be helpful, and pleaase keep in mind, I know almost nothing about labview, so if my post made no sense please excuse me.