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  1. Mellroth's post in How can one get LabVIEW on a MacBook Pro? was marked as the answer   
    Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but if you develop on LabVIEW for Mac, you use the command-key + the short cut, but when you switch to the virtual machine you will have to use the ctrl+shortcut instead.
    In the link Hooovahh gave you (https://lavag.org/to...ing-in-labview/) you can find a solution for ctrl-key shortcuts not working in the Virtual machine.
  2. Mellroth's post in CTRL+SHIFT+ Shortcuts sometimes not working in LabVIEW was marked as the answer   
    I just noticed this this morning, but in Windows 7(x64) running in bootcamp (LabVIEW 2014).
    My problem seems related to the input-locale, or more specifically, which keyboard-type that were used.
    I’m using an external keyboard but windows defaults to the “Swedish (Apple)†keyboard, and for some reason that keyboard doesn’t forward multiple modifiers to LabVIEW (all keyboards work in MS Word). In this little test VI; pressing shift-a, ctrl-a and shift-ctrl-a should all give me the scan code 30 on my keyboard.
    But the Apple keyboard doesn't react when both modifiers are used. By switching keyboard layout during the VI execution the ctrl-shift-a functionality comes and goes.
    So, my solution was to go to the control panel and change the default input to use the external keyboard layout instead of the apple-type. I also explicitly changed keyboard type when LabVIEW was open.
    Hope this helps someone
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